EFY was yesterday it was WAY super awesome!!! But the bad part was we had to be there around 8:00 A.M. tell noon!! On a Saturday that's way to early!! At the beginning it mostly consisted of me, Jenessa, and Shelsey playing games. Mostly cause we got there like an hour and a 1/2 early and we had nothing else to do. When it finally started the conductor person started he introduced the first speaker. He described her being 6 feet and the shortest in her family. When she started, right off the bat I was laughing my but off she was so hilarious. Some of the things she said that were funny was, she was at an airport with another speaker waiting to get on there flight and She said to the other speaker "I bet you someone is going to come up to me and say WOW your tall do you play basketball?" and Three minutes later A little Chinese lady came over and asked that exact Question. Lis (the speaker) said (In fury) to the little lady "Wow your so short you must play miniature golf". O My Gosh Everyone busted a gut it was hilarious!!!
The 2nd speaker was way funny too he wasn't nearly as tall as the first speaker but anyway some of the things he talked about was when his kids had a problem his wife would make him go take care of it and so one night his littlest boy said "Dad I like girls" and the dad said "No you don't" "Yes I do" Dad-"No you don't girls are yucky!!" Son-"No Dad girls are yummy" Yesterday a girl waved at me and i knew right then I liked girls.(He was about 7,8, or 9) Ha ha That was way funny!! Another one was the speakers family was on a plane and one if his sons said "Dad i can't see Heavenly Father or Jesus Anywhere" ha ha that was way funny.
P.S. Thanks to all the speakers for your wonderful testimony's and talks they weren't boring at all. =D
1 comment:
I have great memories from "Best of EFY". They are always funny and good information.
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